^^ Welcome ^^

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pues primero que nada buenos dias tardes o noches depende de la circunstancia y asih.. (suspiro).. pues bueno, este flog esta hecho con mucho amor (xD?) jaja y pues, pondre imagenes, poemas, música, canciones, lecturas interesantes y algunas encuestas que luego se me puedan ocurrir (contestenlas xD) jaja y pues, no me queda más que pedirles que dejen su comentario y q pues, si alguna descarga falla, reportenla y asih.. ^^
por todo lo demás, espero que lo disfruten y pues, que tengan un buen dia =)

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14 sept 2008


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BIRTHDAY - The Cruxshadows (CXS)

Roll out of the bed
Look in the mirror
And wonder who you are
Another year is come and gone

Today is your birthday
But it might be the last day of your life
What will you do if tomorrow is all gone?

You wont be young forever
Its only a fraction to the sum
You wont be young forever
Nor will anyone

So look at your life
Who you want to be before you die?
Look at your life
What you want to do?
Look at your life
Who you want to be before you die?
Look at your life
You havent gone forever
Then tell me what really matters
Is it the money and the fame
Or how many people might eventually know your name
But maybe you touch one life
And the world becomes a better place to be
Maybe you give their dreams another day
Another chance to be free

You wont be young forever
Its only a fraction to the sum
You wont be young forever
Nor will anyone

So look at your life
Who you want to be before you die?
Look at your life
What you want to do?
Look at your life
Who you want to be before you die?
Look into life
It all comes back to you

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday *repeat*

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